Tricks For Healthy Hair – Alizz

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Tricks For Healthy Hair

What woman does not want to have perfect hair? It is clear that all women want it, we see commercials for hair products and all the models, regardless of whether it is long or short hair, always look perfect, a shine that passes through the light of the television and a dream volume. We always end up with two types of opinions: 1. It's a lie, it's to sell and 2. Wow! I am going to buy that product.

But really, it's not just using a good shampoo, a good conditioner or a good hair treatment. Yes, that helps, but everything is a reflection of how we take care of our body, food is essential to have beautiful hair. For example, consuming proteins directly intervenes in the creation of Keratin which helps the growth of our hair, but it is not only the consumption of proteins but also vitamins such as those of group B, magnesium, zinc and minerals.

Another important trick is exercise. Having physical activity helps all the cells in your body move, activates our circulation, and also boosts collagen production. Playing sports helps tone the scalp and prevent hair loss, activates blood flow and oxygenation, which makes us achieve the strengthening of the hair root, having more volume and shine.

Now yes, 5 basic tricks to have incredible hair: 

  • Masks and conditioners help but, without a doubt, the treatments that manage to repair hair without cutting it are oils.
  • Drying your hair with a professional dryer helps your hair not stay wet for so long and therefore reduces the damage to which we subject it.
  • Many times we have heard that you wash your hair with cold water and the truth is that it is super true, since it stimulates blood circulation and closes the cuticle, which results in shiny hair. 



Buenas noches, como comentarios, en la portada de trucos para un cabello sano, antes de ingresar a leer el artículo, dice que peinar el cabello 10 veces y lavar con agua tibia, y ya en los 5 tips,dice lavar con agua fria, esto puede causar confusión, gracias.

март 09, 2020

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